Our Ambassador, Sir James Mallinson recently competed in the North/South English Paragliding Cup — this is his report from the frontlines!

We (30 northerners and 30 southerners) met up at the Bridge of Orchy in the Highlands but then drove east to the Cairngorns and set a task of a 75km triangular tour of the mountains which took in no human habitations or roads whatsoever. Unfortunately the wind picked up near the end so nobody made it all the way around. Some who landed out had to walk 6 hours with their packs to reach civilization. All had the flight of their lives — I found it more intimidating than the Himalayas!

As you can see a few people decided not to go into the deep mountains and carried on north to Aviemore and beyond. When the distances were totted up, the South won (again).

-Jim Mallinson



Cooper Wilt